SOUTH AFRICAN CONTEXT: Is there a need for a Teacher-researcher in this current context?

A teacher researcher is one that aims to understand teaching and learning in context and from the perspective of individuals who live and interact daily in the classroom (Meier & Henderson, 2007). They also aim to gain an understanding of teaching and learning in order to impact change in the classroom and school, and to improve the lives of the learners. Teacher-researchers are said to be reflective practitioners who can identify a problem and try to conceptualize a solution for that problem, and for that, they should be seen as a huge asset for the country. It is just unfortunate that teachers are just seen as consumers and not as the producers of knowledge, meaning that teachers only apply the knowledge produced by researchers in the classroom (Robinson, 2003). The socio-economic status in South Africa influences the effectiveness of teaching and learning, there are learners from poor and wealthy backgrounds and the level of education they receive is not the same. Don't you think the country is in need of teacher-researchers? The country definitely needs teachers who are not only consumers of knowledge but teacher-researchers who will research solutions in order to bring balance within the educational system in the educational current context. Speaking of balance, this brings out the issue on the lack of skills, which then poses a lot questions towards our educational system. Does the educational system address optional institutions (not only universities) and put effort in developing those institutions for different learners based on the skills that they can and want to acquire? This question would be easier to engage with when we have teacher-researchers in place, teacher-researchers who will be able to implement the necessary knowledge for the learners. 

The following video focuses on inspiring students for the future, a characteristic of a teacher researcher:


Meier, D, R., & Henderson, B. (2007). Learning from young children in the classroom: The art and science of teacher research. New York Press. 
Robinson, V. (2003). Teachers as researchers: A professional necessity?. University of Auckland. 
TEDx Talks. (2016). Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future | Joe Ruhl | TEDx Lafayette. YouTube.  


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